Judy Lane Music Masthead

Delightful Instrumental Music For School Or Music Group Ensembles


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The Peaceful Dove

A calm, easy piece for 2 violins and piano, ideal for an end of term concert or for trio ensemble repertoire. Hear a recording of this piece played at Dorchester Abbey when you click above for more details.

The Stately Swan

Serene like the swan, this is a piece for 2 violins and piano. The Stately Swan is ideal for a trio ensemble repertoire or a school trio for learning or an end of term concert or just for enjoyment. Other instruments could replace the violins - for instance flutes.


'Happiness' is easy to learn music for piano and 2 violins. This piece is ideal for learning students or an end of term concert or just for enjoyment. Other instruments could replace the violins - for instance flutes.

The Robin

  Judy Lane has composed an instrumental version of her children's song 'The Robin'. This piece for piano and 2 violins can also be for piano and flutes and is ideal for an end of term concert or just for enjoyment.

The Willow Tree

This descriptive piece for piano and 2 violins is a sound song relating to the life of a special Willow Tree. Ideal for an end of term concert or a trio ensemble playing just for fun. Read the willow tree story when you click above for further details.

By The River - May Morning

'This is an instrumental piece for Piano and 2 Violins and is a sequel to 'The Willow Tree' also by Judy Lane. The reborn willow tree arrives on a river bank in Oxford and experiences all the special celebrations that May Morning brings: The choir, the bells, the singing and the folk dancing.


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Easy To Sing And Learn For:-

Class Singing - School Choirs - Youth & Church Choirs - Mixed Choirs - Music Groups - Small Ensemble

For:-  School Concert & Plays - Assemblies - Church Celebrations  - Or Just For Fun

Easy piano accompanime
nt - some use violin, cello, flute, recorder or percussion

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Judy Lane Music - 16 Harberton Mead | Headington | Oxford OX3 0DB | United Kingdom Telephone Number: 01865 760917 email: judy@judylanemusic.com   or  tony@judylanemusic.com